Welcome to Because We Matter where everyone has a story: past, present, old, new.

These voices long to tell their tales.


Come in and hear what they have to say.

  • sunrise behind aquamarine eye sculpture

    From deep inside us come THE STORIES of our lives. THE STORIES of who we were, who we are, and who we will be.

    THE STORIES of those who came before become our stories, and we pass them to those who follow in our tracks.

    THE STORIES that must be told.


  • painting of a woman wading into water with red sun in distance

    Because We Matter is an endeavor borne out of a long-held desire of Founder Michelle Odom based on the need to remember and revive stories we *all* have to tell. Whether we imagine them to be vital or nothing, our words tell truths not just to confirm our own experiences; they also more than often help others by those words being shared. When we are silent, our stories are lost, many never to be recovered. Our tales will always matter to someone — sometimes, if only to ourselves. The Mission reminds us that we must always remember how much telling our truth matters.

  • original painting of fish swimming in a pond in a forest

    Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.Helen Keller

    This project is a collaborative effort between those still in this physical plane and those who have departed. Let me introduce you to our team.