• Michelle


    Unapologetic, truthful, and compassionate in her storytelling, Michelle digs in to profound roots and reminds all of us why we are vital.

    Michelle’s scribe-like background ranges from policy writing and lobbying efforts in Washington, DC to culinary publications, genealogical projects, creative writing and readings. Throughout the process, Michelle has been privileged to have created diverse, well-researched, and impactful work. She is thankful to include incredibly talented artists of all ilk in her inspirations and aspirations and includes many of these influences in her writing.

  • G


    Jack-of-all-trades, master of none. Can MacGuyver almost anything.

    Writing, editing, designing and more, G’s experience is widespread. Devoting time only to meaningful ventures that speak to her innate curiosity, you are invited to reach out if you’ve got a project that needs a discerning touch. todahrabba@gmail.com

  • Mara Catherine


    It takes root in the soul, the heart, the mind then expands to the canvas. Thoughts, images, emotions, memories - they come to life through color and a brush.

    Some of our featured artwork (including our homepage banner) was created by Mara Catherine. For private commissions and to see more of her work, click here.

  • Betsy “BeeTee” Teeter


    Betsy’s famous insistent and consistent passion for reading, writing, and instilling the importance of an overall brilliant mind inspires much of this endeavor. Her drive and determination helped to connect and create much of the material here. Though no longer with us, Betsy reminds me daily that what I have to say is interesting; what others have to say fascinates; and the power that constructs that concept will keep going, as does she. These bon vivant’s words have been and will continue to be an essential cornerstone of the core principles behind Because We Matter. —Michelle